Source code for neuralee.dataset.hemato

import os
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .dataset import GeneExpressionDataset

[docs]class HematoDataset(GeneExpressionDataset): r""" Loads hemato dataset. This dataset with continuous gene expression variations from hematopoeitic progenitor cells contains 4,016 cells and 7,397 genes. We removed the library basal-bm1 which was of poor quality based on authors recommendation. We use their population balance analysis result as a potential function for differentiation. :parame save_path: Save path of raw data file. Examples:: gene_dataset = HematoDataset() """ def __init__(self, save_path='data/HEMATO/'): self.save_path = save_path # file and datazip file self.urls = ["" "?acc=GSM2388072&format=file&file=" "GSM2388072%5Fbasal%5Fbone%5Fmarrow%2Eraw%5Fumifm" "%5Fcounts%2Ecsv%2Egz", "" "raw/master/additional/"] # Originally: GSM2388072_basal_bone_marrow.raw_umifm_counts.csv.gz self.download_names = ["bBM.raw_umifm_counts.csv.gz", ""] self.gene_names_filename = "bBM.filtered_gene_list.paper.txt" self.spring_and_pba_filename = "bBM.spring_and_pba.csv" expression_data, gene_names, labels, self.y_spring, self.y_spring = \ self.download_and_preprocess() super().__init__( *GeneExpressionDataset.get_attributes_from_matrix( expression_data, labels=labels), gene_names=gene_names, ) self.cell_types_levels = \ ['Erythroid', 'Granulocytic Neutrophil', 'Lymphocytic', 'Dendritic', 'Megakaryocytic', 'Monocytic', 'Basophilic']
[docs] def preprocess(self): print("Preprocessing Hemato data") if len(os.listdir(self.save_path)) == 2: # nothing extracted yet with ZipFile(os.path.join(self.save_path, ''), 'r') as zip: zip.extractall(path=Path(self.save_path).parent) raw_counts = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.save_path, self.download_names[0]), compression='gzip') # remove this library to avoid dealing with batch effects raw_counts.drop( raw_counts.index[raw_counts["library_id"] == "basal_bm1"], inplace=True) spring_and_pba = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.save_path, self.spring_and_pba_filename)) # with open(self.save_path + self.gene_names_filename) as f: # gene_filter_list = # # gene_names = gene_filter_list.splitlines() gene_names = np.loadtxt( os.path.join(self.save_path, self.gene_names_filename), dtype=np.str) data = raw_counts.merge(spring_and_pba, how="inner") expression_data = data[gene_names] x_spring = data["x_spring"].values y_spring = data["y_spring"].values self.meta = data[["Potential", "Pr_Er", "Pr_Gr", "Pr_Ly", "Pr_DC", "Pr_Mk", "Pr_Mo", "Pr_Ba"]] def logit(p): p = np.copy(p.values) p[p == 0] = np.min(p[p > 0]) p[p == 1] = np.max(p[p < 1]) return np.log(p / (1 - p)) labels = logit(self.meta.iloc[:, 2]) - logit(self.meta.iloc[:, 1]) expression_data = expression_data.values print("Finished preprocessing Hemato data") return expression_data, gene_names, labels, x_spring, y_spring