Source code for neuralee._aux.visualize

import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def scatter(X, labels=None, cell_types=None, title=None, s=1, fg_kwargs=dict(), size=1.0, lg_kwargs=dict(), cmap_str='jet'): """scatter plot. :param X: sample-coordinate matrix. :type X: numpy.ndarray :param labels: index label. if None, set as np.zeros. :type labels: numpy.ndarray :param cell_types: string for each index label. if None, legend directly displayed as index. :type cell_types: numpy.ndarray :param title: figure title. :param s: point size. :param fg_kwargs: figure parameters dict. if None, set as {'dpi': 200}. :type fg_kwargs: dict :param size: subsample size of data to show. :type size: int or percentage :param lg_kwargs: legend parameters dict. if None, set as {'markerscale': 2, 'fontsize': 'xx-small'}. :type lg_kwargs: dict """ if fg_kwargs == dict(): fg_kwargs = {'dpi': 200} if lg_kwargs == dict(): lg_kwargs = {'markerscale': 2, 'fontsize': 'xx-small'} N = X.shape[0] if labels is None: labels = np.zeros(N) N_sub = size if isinstance(size, int) else int(N * size) if N_sub != N: ind_sub = np.random.permutation(N)[: N_sub] X = X[ind_sub] labels = labels[ind_sub] label_unique = np.unique(labels) if cell_types is not None: assert len(cell_types) == len(label_unique), \ 'Labels do not correspond to cell types.' cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap_str) cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=range(len(label_unique))[-1]) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap) plt.figure(**fg_kwargs) for il, ll in enumerate(label_unique): XX = X[labels == ll, :] if cell_types is not None: plt.scatter(XX[:, 0], XX[:, 1], s=s, color=scalarMap.to_rgba(il), label=cell_types[ll]) else: plt.scatter(XX[:, 0], XX[:, 1], s=s, color=scalarMap.to_rgba(il), label=str(ll)) if len(label_unique) != 1 and lg_kwargs is not None: plt.legend(**lg_kwargs) plt.axis('off') if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def scatter_with_colorbar(X, labels=None, cell_types=None, title=None, s=1, fg_kwargs=dict(), size=1.0): """scatter plot for polarizable situation. :param X: sample-coordinate matrix. :type X: numpy.ndarray :param labels: index label. if None, set as np.zeros. :type labels: numpy.ndarray :param cell_types: string for each polor, length muse be 2. if None, not show legend. :type cell_types: numpy.ndarray :param title: figure title. :param s: point size. :param fg_kwargs: figure parameters dict. if None, set as {'dpi': 200}. :type fg_kwargs: dict :param size: subsample size of data to show. :type size: int or percentage """ if cell_types is not None: assert len(cell_types) == 2, \ 'It only supports polarizable cell types' if fg_kwargs == dict(): fg_kwargs = {'dpi': 200} N = X.shape[0] N_sub = size if isinstance(size, int) else int(N * size) if N_sub != N: ind_sub = np.random.permutation(N)[: N_sub] X = X[ind_sub] labels = labels[ind_sub] plt.figure(**fg_kwargs) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=s, c=labels) if cell_types is not None: cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) maxl = labels.max() minl = labels.min() ticks = [minl + (maxl - minl) * 0.1, (minl + maxl) / 2, minl + (maxl - minl) * 0.9] cbar.set_ticks(ticks) cbar.set_ticklabels([cell_types[0], 'Other', cell_types[1]]) plt.axis('off') if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout()