Source code for neuralee._aux.affinity

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

def nnsqdist(X, neighbors=None):
    """Euclidean distance of coordinates.

    :param X: sample-coordinates matrix
    :type X: numpy.ndarray
    :param neighbors: the number of nearest neighbors
    :type neighbors: int
    :returns: sorted index according to the descent distance
     across sample; corresponding distance; Euclidean distance.
    N = X.shape[0]
    x2 = (X ** 2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    sqd = x2 - 2 * X @ X.T + x2.T
    np.fill_diagonal(sqd, 0)
    sqd = np.maximum(sqd, 0)
    if not neighbors:
        neighbors = N - 1
    nn = sqd.argsort(axis=1)[:, 1: (neighbors + 1)]
    D2 = np.take_along_axis(sqd, nn, axis=1)

    return D2, nn, sqd

[docs]def ea(X, K, neighbors=None): """Gaussian entropic affinities. This computes Gaussian entropic affinities (EAs) for a dataset and a desired perplexity. Reference from: :param X: sample-coordinates matrix :type X: numpy.ndarray :param K: perplexity. :param neighbors: the number of nearest neighbors :type neighbors: int :returns: Gaussian entropic affinities as attractive weights and Euclidean distances as repulsive weights. """ D2, nn, sqd = nnsqdist(X, neighbors) N, k = D2.shape b = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32) Wp = np.zeros((N, k), dtype=np.float32) logK = np.log(K).astype(np.float32) B, D2 = _eabounds(logK, D2) # Log-beta bounds # Point order: distance to Kth nn p = np.argsort(D2[:, int((np.ceil(K))) - 1]) p = p.tolist() j = p[0] b0 = B[j, :].mean() p.append(-1) # Initialization for i in range(N): # Compute log-beta & EAs for each point b[j], Wp[j, :] = _eabeta(D2[j, :], b0, logK, B[j, :]) b0 = b[j] j = p[i + 1] # Next point W = csr_matrix((Wp.reshape(-1), nn.reshape(-1), np.arange(N * k + 1, step=k)), shape=(N, N)).toarray() # s = 1 / np.sqrt((2 * np.exp(b))) # Bandwidths from log-beta values return W, sqd
def _eabounds(logK, D2): eps = 1.1921e-7 # 2 ** (-23) N = D2.shape[1] logN = np.log(N).astype(np.float32) logNK = logN - logK delta2 = D2[:, 1] - D2[:, 0] # Ensure delta2 >= eps ind = np.nonzero(delta2 < eps)[0] i = 2 flag = 1 while ind.shape[0] != 0: if (i + 1) > np.exp(logK) and flag: D2[ind, 0] = D2[ind, 0] * 0.99 flag = 0 delta2[ind] = D2[ind, i] - D2[ind, 0] ind = np.nonzero(delta2 < eps)[0] i = i + 1 deltaN = D2[:, N - 1] - D2[:, 0] # Compute p1(N,logK) if logK > np.log(np.sqrt(2 * N)): p1 = 3 / 4 else: p1 = 1 / 4 for _ in range(100): e = -p1 * np.log(p1 / N) - logK g = -np.log(p1 / N) + 1 p1 = p1 - e / g p1 = 1 - p1 / 2 bU1 = (2 * np.log(p1 * (N - 1) / (1 - p1))) / delta2 bL1 = (2 * logNK / (1 - 1 / N)) / deltaN bL2 = np.sqrt(2 * np.sqrt(logNK)) / (D2[:, N - 1] ** 2 - D2[:, 0] ** 2) B = np.log(np.stack((np.maximum(bL1, bL2), bU1), axis=1)) return B, D2 def _eabeta(d2, b0, logK, B): """ Computes the values of beta and the corresponding Gaussian affinities for one point. It does root finding with Newton's method embedded in a bisection loop to ensure global convergence. """ eps = 1.1921e-7 # 2 ** (-23) realmin = np.float32(1e-45) maxit = 20 # Max. no. iterations before a bisection tol = 1e-3 # Convergence tolerance to stop iterating if (b0 < B[0] or b0 > B[1]): b = (B[0] + B[1]) / np.float32(2) else: b = b0 i = 1 # maxit counter # Inside the loop, pbm is a flag to detect any numerical problems (zero # gradient, infinite function value, etc.). while True: bE = np.exp(b) pbm = 0 # Compute the function value: m0, m1v, m1 are O(N) ed2 = np.exp(-d2 * bE) m0 = ed2.sum() if m0 < realmin: # Numerical error m0 = realmin e = -logK pbm = 1 else: m1v = ed2 * d2 / m0 m1 = m1v.sum() e = bE * m1 + np.log(m0) - logK if abs(e) < tol: break # Very narrow bounds, no need to iterate. # This can happen if K is very small. if B[1] - B[0] < 10 * eps: break # Update the bounds if (e < 0 and b <= B[1]): B[1] = b elif (e > 0 and b >= B[0]): B[0] = b pbm = pbm or np.isinf(e) or e < -logK or e > np.log(d2.shape[0]) - logK if not pbm: if i == maxit: # Exceeded maxit, bisection step b = (B[0] + B[1]) / np.float32(2) i = 1 continue # Compute the gradient: m2 is O(N) eg2 = bE ** np.float32(2) m2 = (m1v * d2).sum() m12 = m1 ** np.float32(2) - m2 g = eg2 * m12 if g == 0: pbm = 1 if pbm: b = (B[0] + B[1]) / np.float32(2) i = 1 continue # Newton step ok, update bounds p = -e / g b = b + p if (b < B[0] or b > B[1]): # Out of bounds, bisection step b = (B[0] + B[1]) / np.float32(2) i = 0 i = i + 1 W = ed2 / m0 # Affinities return b, W
[docs]def x2p(X, perplexity=30.0): """Gaussian affinities. :param X: sample-coordinates matrix :type X: numpy.ndarray :param perplexity: perplexity. :returns: Gaussian affinities as attractive weights and Euclidean distances as repulsive weights. """ tol = 1e-3 n = X.shape[0] P = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float32) beta = np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32) logU = np.log(perplexity).astype(np.float32) x2 = (X ** 2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) D = x2 - 2 * X @ X.T + x2.T for i in range(n): betamin = -np.inf betamax = np.inf Di = np.delete(D[i], i) H, thisP = Hbeta(Di, beta[i]) Hdiff = H - logU tries = 0 while abs(Hdiff) > tol and tries < 50: if Hdiff > 0: betamin = beta[i] if np.isinf(betamax): beta[i] = beta[i] * 2 else: beta[i] = (beta[i] + betamax) / 2 else: betamax = beta[i] if np.isinf(betamin): beta[i] = beta[i] / 2 else: beta[i] = (beta[i] + betamin) / 2 H, thisP = Hbeta(Di, beta[i]) Hdiff = H - logU tries = tries + 1 P[i] = np.insert(thisP, i, 0) if i < n - 1: beta[i + 1] = beta[i] return P, D
def Hbeta(D, beta): # P = np.exp(-D * beta) # sumP = P.sum() # H = np.log(sumP) + beta * (D * P).sum() / sumP # P = P / sumP realmax = np.float32(3.4028e+38) shift = np.log(realmax) / np.float32(2) - (-D * beta).max() ff = np.exp(-D * beta + shift) zz = ff.sum() P = ff / zz H = np.log(zz) - shift + beta * (D * P).sum() return H, P